Ultimate Senior Bucket List
Getting the most out of your final year of high school

For high school seniors, graduation is right around the corner. This also means freedom and responsibility for many of them.
As high school comes to a close for seniors, there are things left for them to do to get the most out of their last year.
After the long football season, a lot of seniors already crossed this item off of their senior year bucket lists: Go to at least three school sporting events.
Breaking that barrier early, senior Alaycia Smith attended three games early in the season.
“I went to…half of the home games,” Smith said. “I worked on the other nights which was a bummer.”
Although she couldn’t make every game, Smith encourages rising seniors to go to as many sporting events as possible.
“Not just football but the other stuff too, like hockey and basketball,” Smith said. “They are so fun! It’s just a great way to bond with your peers and to scream at the top of your lungs without people looking at you weirdly. I wish I had gone to more events in previous years.”
There are still some things Smith wants to do in her final year.
“I would say go on the catwalk in the auditorium,” Smith said. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Agreeing with Smith, senior Sara Massei wishes more students would make an effort to come to games as seniors.
“Even if you don’t like them [sports] try to make it to at least a couple of games,” Massei said. “Yeah, you’ll always be able to go to high school football games but never again as a senior in the student section. And, after all, you never know how the season will go.”
Spirit Week is one of the most colorful, loud, and crazy weeks in the entire school year.
Going all-out for the event, senior Trevor Dezzutti was covered in green on Spirit Day.
“It’s important to have and show school spirit,” Dezzutti said. “Spirit Day is one of the days you will remember for a long time.”
Adding an item to his senior year bucket list, Dezzutti still wants to spend more time with his friends.
“After graduation everyone goes their separate ways,” Dezzutti said. “I want to see my friends as much as I can before that happens.”
Sleeping for the entire day, senior Jake Connell participated in the annual Senior Skip Day. “I wanted a day off to do anything and I did nothing but sleep,” Connell said. “Rising seniors should do it because it’s a day to take off and everyone does it.”
Even though he got a day off from school, Connell still wants to make a lasting impression on Kettle Run.
“I want to make the craziest senior prank,” Connell said. “I want it to be remembered.”
The four-year journey seems long but the last year of high school goes by quickly. Soon, friends will part ways and some students will continue their education out-ofstate. Rising seniors: listen to the words of these seniors and keep in mind how little time you really have left in high school.
“You don’t fully grasp how quickly it all goes by,” Massei said. “You won’t realize how many ‘lasts’ you’ll have until they’re gone.”