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9/11: Never Forget The Steps

Never Forget

At 110 stories each, the Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in New York City with about 35,000 people and 430 companies taking up the office space. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center (WTC) was destroyed during an attack by a terrorist group on a day which is now known as 9/11.

Terrorists from an Islamist group hijacked four airplanes to attack America. The first two were deliberately crashed into the top floors of the North and South towers, at 8:46 and 9:03 A.M. with no survivors on either plane. At 9:37 A.M., Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon causing the loss of all lives aboard. Flight 93 plowed into an empty field later that morning, as a result of the brave passengers giving their lives to save the terrorist’s next target. We as Americans think about this day which is now extremely important in America’s history, as we continue to remember the victims and honor our heroes. 

The annual stair climb is a way that we as a school can continue to remember this day with staff, students, firefighters, parents, and teachers walking the track and climbing bleachers. We do this as a representation of the firefighters who spent days after the tragic event looking through the ruins of the destruction, to save the lives of those who were inside the buildings which were targeted.

The stair climb was an impactful event in which students had a way to show their appreciation and respect for the events of 9/11, though we were not there to experience them in our own lives. Many thought it was “a great message and representation” and “a good way to remember the victims from this day in our history”, in a way that we could all have the option to volunteer and participate in. 

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  Al-Qaeda was a terrorist group that was led by Osama bin Laden who was aiming for a series of attacks across the world. Over 3,000 people died during this tragedy, including 354 firefighters. A student participating in the stair climb states: “I think about all the people who suffered and died and all of the families who lost any of their family members”. The stair climb was created to represent all of the 110 flights of stairs that were climbed by the firefighters to rescue the people in the Twin Towers and to honor the 2,977 innocent people who were killed. Another student says that 9/11 is such an important part of history “because it was just a super shocking and big event because it changed America.” 9/11 has had a large impact on the entire world and has advanced security and safety across our country. The event that took place on September 11, 2001, has had a huge impact on the United States and the world and has changed awareness across the world. 

This was the most deadly terrorist attack in the entire world that has affected the entirety of America.  While at the memorial stair climb, I talked to technician Zachary Sciandrn, who works for the Fauquier County Fire and Rescue team. Sciandrn was only about 11 months old when 9/11 occurred, but he has a father who has helped with the Pentagon, and later, Ground Zero.

This event greatly affected his family because he comes from a line of first responders. “I have a lot of cousins and uncles and my grandfather who were also firefighters.” We had a great firefighter who lost his life and that brought fear to my family because even though we knew our job was dangerous, nobody would send their husband, grandfather, or uncle off to work and expect them not to come home. It was, for my family, a scary time, but we all rallied together and we pushed through that fear, and it made us more driven to help the people that we helped.”

In the Fauquier County Fire and Rescue team, the firefighting crew that Sciandrn works with helps people who have suffered from the aftermath of 9/11 in many ways. Those with cancer from toxic smoke, or emotional injuries like PTSD have a support network that aids not only in law jurisdiction but across the country. They go to memorial stair climbs like the one that occurred at Kettle Run and flag-raising ceremonies, as well as stickers on all of their fire trucks that honor the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11.

Overall, 9/11 changed and united America during a time of great turmoil. 9/11, initially after the attacks, has brought people together, and we saw a very united America, even now, it is still something that unites us as a country, especially on the anniversary of 9/11. Hundreds of thousands of people across America go out to memorials or stair climbs to pay their respects in remembrance and come together to show their support.” Sciandrn replied. 

The principal of Kettle Run High School, Mr. Malloy, was impacted by 9/11 as well as his family members. He has kept the stair climb going every year since Mrs. Murphy and Mr. Davidson took the initial step to make an event that the school participates in every year and to remember the lost lives and the people who gave their lives trying to save others.

When the event of 9/11 happened, Mr.Malloy was teaching in a school in Mexico City. They were told to leave the school because they did not know if there would be other threats in places around the world. He states, “ I decided to come home only after a year of teaching” because he felt distant from home.

Mr. Malloy loves to show respect and appreciation for the lost lives from what he does, and he is very proud of How Kettle Run shows respect by doing the stair climb, which simulates the number of stairs and time it took for the Firefighters and the first responders to climb the stairs trying to free trapped people. During this event, he likes to go on the History Channel and watch things like “The Four Planes”, which would talk about each plane and personal stories from people who it did impact.

The 9/11 stair climb is an annual event in which Kettle Run High School participates to show respect to the first responders, firefighters, people who lost their lives, and people who fought back against the terrorists. The stair climb represents the number of stairs and the number of hours it took the First responders, firefighters, officers, and many more people to climb those stairs to free the people who were trapped and in danger.

Jack Griffin says the victims should be remembered, “By events like these, like the stair climb and the victims and families, it was a tough time for all of them. So you should always think about them and help out”. Other students like Nick McCormick say, “We can’t do enough for them but I feel like stuff like this should be done”.  So, schools should participate in events like these by incorporating them at their schools and showing their version of respect to the lost lives and first responders who were deeply impacted.


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