The Wild About art festival is an ongoing tradition held at Kettle Run, this year marks 3+ years that Kettle Run has held the art festival. Seeing the difference in how this festival has impacted all of the kids’ lives is truly inspiring. This festival has brought many a great deal of joy simply by showing off the beauty in their art. Mrs. Burke, who is a Kettle Runs Art and Fine arts photography teacher, hand picks what art is entered into the show. In an interview with Mrs. Burke, she said, ¨It’s a great opportunity to highlight our art around the county because we often make a lot of work that nobody sees.¨ This shows how all the different pieces and age groups come together as one. The guesstimate for how many pieces were in the show total is around 2,000.
When being asked ¨What do you personally believe draws people to art?¨ Mrs. Burke said: ¨Being able to express yourself in art and maybe in things you can’t vocalize.¨
In Kettle Run, art is a major part of our school. We use art to express ourselves and communicate through our paintings. Every clay sculpture and every painting we do is with our hearts. All the seniors who have gone through an art class here at Kettle Run have their own experience in it. Art is something you create because of what inspires you and I believe that inspiration is all around.