Welcoming Winter Weather in Warrenton
Two snow days in early November set the stage for snow to come
December 6, 2018
Recently, a large portion of the Northern East Coast was hit with a swift and heavy snowfall that ave way to two snow days. The initial snowfall covered most of Fauquier County in ith two inches of snow on November 15th and 16th.
Students rejoiced at the cancelling of school, and posted weets of the announcement. Students tweeted Dr. Jeck on Thursday night begging for school to be closed. Their Tweets said things like “close it” and “just close it so I can make plans.” Students in the past began the tradition of Tweeting Dr. Jeck creative tweets in order to persuade him to close school.
Some kids decided to spend these days surrounded by friends, and got to enjoy each other’s company.
“I hung out with my friends over the break and it was funny because one of my friends broke his elbow,” said Junior Chloe Johnson.
This was not the only injury sustained by students over the short two days.
“I went hiking at Old Rag and decided I wanted to run down the mountain. I ended up stepping on a loose rock and my foot gave out under me and caused me to sprain my ankle.” sophomore Alec Yunghans.
Not all students had the opportunity to do something amazing, but the snow days were a welcome break to all. Many did chores and caught up on some necessary rest. “I watched my brothers over the snow days and I got paid. I don’t know why I got paid, but I’m fine with it,” junior Jackson Rolando said.
Sophomore Cooper Purvis said, “I wanted to just enjoy myself, so I slept and played video games. I really enjoyed the extra rest that I got,” sophomore, Cooper Purvis said.
The normal rush of life was slowed down and led to some quality memories.
“I played PUBG with my family,” junior, Rebecca Russell said. I also went out during the snow day, and me and my dad took nature pictures in the forest.”
Many spent the days indoor and appreciated the heaters.
Sophomore Alyssa Scardina said, “I pulled up at my boyfriends house and we watched cars 3 and life of a zucchini in French.”
The last time the Washington D.C. area got snow in November was in 1996. This snowfall also only measured at about two-tenths of an inch. The two inches we received was even more than predicted and took many people by surprise. The roads were untreated with either sand or salt.
The rush that came with getting two unpredictable

snow days in early November excited teachers and students alike. Memories were made and the days were definitely enjoyed by all. The winter of 2018 is predicted to be harsh and this uncharacteristically early snow may be sign of that. Cold temperatures and heavy snowfall are all expected this year. Students and teachers are crossing their fingers for more snow days