From Teacher to Administrator
Reed excited to return to KR in her new position

Sitting at her new desk, Assistant Principal Lashonda Reed works toward making students’ lives easier.
After Mr. Warner’s promotion to Associate Superintendent, former Vice Principal Meghan Brill stepped into the principal position, leaving a hole in the Assistant Principal’s office.
This fall, students and staff welcomed back Lashonda Reed in that role.
“I kicked off my career at Kettle Run, spending one year as a Special Education teacher before moving on to the same position for two years at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford, Virginia,” said Reed. “I spent the last three years as the Special Education Department Chair at Colonial Forge.”
The road to the education field is different for everyone, Mrs. Reed shared her story.
“I was not a fan of public education,” Reed said. “I often felt that it was a waste of time, and there were so many other things I could be doing, I thought I was grown. Although I had a good group of friends, I only attended school because I had to.”
Reed graduated from high school her junior year, a decision she ended up regretting.
“I shortly discovered that I was in over my head and really missed out on an opportunity to enjoy the school experience via my senior year.” Reed said. “Note to self –never forward on the opportunities appointed today in hopes that tomorrow will be better. Enjoy your youth; you will have the rest of your life to be an adult.”
Reed found her way back to education.
“My ‘see-a-need, fill-a-need’ philosophy drew me into the field of education,” Reed explained. “I have a child with special needs. After a couple of really bad IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings, I decided to be a part of the solution rather than just complaining about the problem. That is when I made the decision to become a teacher.”
Reed looks forward to not only this school year but more to come.
“Although there is an obligation to make improvements within a school as an administrator, I look at my new position as an opportunity to enrich a school culture,” Reed said.
Reed has a plan to make this happen.
“I look to lead by example by setting the tone for a positive learning environment and make learning fun by seeking out innovative ways to engage students and creating a school culture that embraces non-traditional teaching practices.”
Everyone needs a hobby to take their minds off of a stressful day (or week) and for Mrs. Reed that hobby is scrap-booking.
“Memories are the soundtrack to our lives and I enjoy capturing these memories and turning them into platinum hits,” she shared.
Reed described her time at Kettle Run by saying, “Kettle Run is exactly how I remembered it, warm, welcoming, and an awesome place to work.”
Reed explained how thrilled she is to be making her return to Kettle Run, “This whole experience is full circle for me and I am very thankful to be back.”