Kettle Run High School has lots of clubs for its students to participate in, but what happens if the club you want doesn’t exist? For Bella Fields, a Kettle Run junior, solving that problem was easy: She just started her own club. Bella started the crochet club in September of 2022, and it has been up and running for over five months now.
Bella had been crocheting for two years and in 2022, she had the idea to share her talents with other students at Kettle Run. Her reason for creating the club is simple, “I love to crochet and I wanted to be able to teach others”. According to Bella, she couldn’t have done it without the help from the Kettle Run librarians, who helped her fill out the required paperwork and find the needed supplies. After the basics were done, all that was left to do was get people to join. She already had a few friends committed to joining, but Bella wanted to get the word out. She did this by handing out flyers and talking to lots of students about coming to try out the club.
Starting up the Crochet Club was relatively easy because of the support she got from the library staff, but Bella admits that her biggest challenge has been the low turnout. “It’s hard to get people to go because the meetings are after school and people have other clubs and sports going on.” The turnout may be small right now, but Bella and her other members have still been able to continue meeting every week to learn more about crocheting. Club member Sidney Beard says , “Bella is a good crochet teacher and she makes it really easy to learn.” So if you’re interested in joining an after school club or learning to crochet at Kettle Run, meetings are Wednesdays after school in the library.