Senior Class Wins it All
Annual neighborhood friendly event a success once again

Dressed as Moana, senior Camryn Bosko holds fishing poles at the senior class’s winning booth.
Batman, Wonder Woman, Moana, and Belle all flocked to Kettle Run in search of a sweet and safe time to celebrate Halloween. Trunk-or-Treat was held on October 28 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the student parking lot. Different clubs from around the shcool set up fun games and activities for young kids in the surrounding neighborhoods as a safe alternative to trick-or-treating. From fishing for candy with Moana, to battling it out with the Edge Club, trick-ortreaters had a great time collecting candy.
An event sponsored and organized by the Kettle Run SCA, the club is responsible for getting these clubs involved.
SCA President Sara Massei worked hard with her peers to organize and plan the event. “Trunk-or-Treat went really well this year,” said Massei. “It’s awesome to see the clubs go all out, and the kids really enjoy it.” All of the event organizers worked hard to get the word out about the event to make sure there was a good turnout.
“Our sponsors made some really great posters,” said SCA Vice President Harper Crater. “We sent them to the elementary schools and the kids took them home to their parents. We had a great turn out and pretty much pulled off the event without a hitch; we did struggle with the wind a little!”
Trunk-or-Treat provides students with a fun platform to show off the clubs and programs they are most passionate about. Students worked hard to impress young children who may, one day, take over and run these clubs themselves.
Science Honor Society member Sid McCoy helped design and build a space themed racing game.
“The kids got to choose their own ‘space rover’ and then had to drive through our ‘moon course’ to prove they were true astronauts,” said McCoy. “It was really great seeing kids have fun with the games we planned that were related to science.”
In order to add some friendly competition to the day, once the trick-or-treaters made their way around the booths, they had the chance to vote on which booth was their favorite. TSA [Technology Student Association] placed third with a $25 prize while Edge Club came in a close second winning $50.
Junior, Josie Krasny worked with the Edge Club. “For the Edge Club, we gave kids the opportunity to Fight the Knight, which had them battling in a sword fight with our knight Michael Gorman,” said Krasny. “It was really fun for everyone to get into their character and interact with the kids.”
The senior class won by a landslide with its Moana theme, taking home a $100 prize. Senior Camryn Bosko dressed up as Moana for the event.
“For our game, the kids went fishing,” Bosko said. “They had to cast a fishing pole into the bed of a truck where Joey Moore was hiding. Joey filled the baskets with candy and would pull on the line to let the trick or treaters know they had caught something. It was cool to see the kids’ reactions when they thought that they had caught a fish.” Bosko was happy her group won. “I was honestly surprised to see that we had the most votes, a lot of kids figured out that Joey was laying in the back and I thought that ruined the magic feel.”