Spring Provides Welcome Break
From the beach to big cities, students enjoy time off
Loving her time with the baby tiger, Sara Rodriguez smiles for the camera. Rodriguez met the tiger at a preservation in Myrtle Beach.
May 2, 2017
Spring break is an excellent time of year to go on vacation, celebrate religious holidays, or simply take a break from the daily rigor of classes.
Spring break was April 10-15, which was the week before Easter. It was a time for students and teachers to have a week-long break from school in the second semester, just like Thanksgiving Break allows a break during the first semester.
Some sports teams also took advantage of the time to get in a few extra practices. However, the best part of spring break might be just coming back to tell your friends and teachers about your awesome adventures.
One awesome experience for Sara Rodriguez was holding a baby tiger, as seen on her Instagram.
“I went to Myrtle Beach over spring break, and they have a preservation there where you can interact with animals like tigers, monkeys, and other exotic animals,” said Rodriguez.
Three seniors; Catherine Schefer, Kendra Wright, and Grace Stone; had the chance to visit New York, where they went sight seeing and even saw “Wicked” on Broadway.
“We got to go up to the top of The Rock, one of the tallest buildings in the city. The view from there was pretty nice,” said Wright.
Stone especially loved the Broadway play.
“That was definitely my favorite part because the acting was phenomenal,” Stone said. “I wanted to have one last memorable moment with my friends, Catherine and Kendra, before graduating.”
Friends Marie Tessier, Katie Wellington, Kiera Morgan, and Ali Cotnoir also got to see great heights – at the top of The Intimidator at Kings’ Dominion.
“Right before the Intimidator, Marie said, ‘Ali, make sure you stay conscious.’ Yet she refused to listen and proceeded to pass out on the roller coaster,” explained Wellington.

Cotnoir did recover, but the girls decided to take a break from roller coasters for the rest of the day.
Brandon and Larissa JamesLaBranche and their parents went to California. Larissa had a particularly good time.
“I traveled all around Southern California and got to go see so many beautiful things!” Larissa said. “I really enjoyed rock climbing at the Joshua Tree Forest and the Point Loma tidepools. One of my favorite things was getting up close to take pictures of sea lions at La Jolla.”
Next year, spring break will be the week after Easter, which is April 1 (no joke). While this works for those who travel for Easter, others say they are upset about the prospect of not having Good Friday included in the break.